Trust Board

Strategic direction, strong governance

Our Trustees bring a diverse range of highly experienced leaders to your Trust Board. Leaders in their own fields, ranging from finance to governance, local government, management, marketing, education and relationship management, they provide strategic direction and strong governance to ensure Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust achieves its goals both now and in the future.


Tsarina Dellow


Tsarina lives in Hanmer Springs and is a well-known and well-respected member of the local community. She has been committed to caring for people in the Hurunui District for over a decade, previously working as…

Brian Davey


Brian has lived in Ohoka, with his wife Linda, for the last 10 years and very much enjoys being part of this diverse community. 

Brian has 36 years experience in global sales and has worked…

Alison Hood


Alison moved from the UK to New Zealand 18 years ago after she met her Kiwi husband on holiday. With extensive international experience and a background in business psychology, she runs her own consultancy as a Leadership…

Sam Jones


Sam has lived in Rangiora for over 20 years and loves being part of the local community. Sam and his wife Tina have four children aged from 11 through to 21…

Kim Manahi


Kia ora koutou katoa
Ko te mihi tuatahi ki te Atua
Ko ia te timataka me te mutuka o kā mea katoa

Ko te mihi tuarua
Ki te huka mate
Haere haere haere atu ra…

Niki Mealings


Niki has lived in Ohoka for 24 years with her Kaiapoi born and bred husband and their three children. A second term District Councillor, elected to the Oxford-Ohoka Ward…

Susan Mowat


Susan has lived in North Canterbury all her life, except for a time teaching in England. She is a secondary school teacher in Maths, Health and Science, having trained via a guidance counselling programme. She lives on a farm with her husband near…

Louisa Sullivan


Louisa’s interest in community wellbeing stems from a career in primary healthcare. Louisa has worked in clinical practice and clinical leadership including urgent after-hours care…

Pauline White


Pauline was born, raised and educated in Rangiora where she resided until 2016 when she moved to a lifestyle block in Broomfield with Nigel, her husband of 20 years, and her three teenaged daughters. Pauline is the Hurunui District…