Referrals & Enquiries
Working together, empowering communities
Support for Kids
Mana Ake
Community Wellbeing North Canterbury are providers of Mana Ake in primary schools around the North Canterbury region.
Mana Ake promotes wellbeing and positive mental health for tamariki in primary school.
All referrals for Mana Ake are made through your child’s school. Find out more here.
Support for Families
Family Social Work
Our family social workers support you and your whānau to strengthen your wellbeing.
They can also link you up with other local resources, information and services to help you on your journey.
Our social workers:
- Are registered with the Social Workers Registration Board.
Are Members of the Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers.
- Hold a current Practicing Certificate.
Refer yourself or a patient through the links below:
Parenting Programmes
Do you need support with parenting your child?
If you’re a North Canterbury parent, grandparent, or caregiver you can attend our internationally recognised parenting programmes Building Awesome Whānau, Tuning into Kids and Tuning into Teens.
These are FREE programmes, with online options available. We run these regularly throughout the year.
Our parenting programmes are proudly supported by MainPower.
For more information on our next programmes email
Support for Young People
Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
Wellbeing and mental health support for rangatahi.
If you are a young person referring yourself, use this referral form: DOWNLOAD FORM
If you are a parent/caregiver, GP, or health professional referring a young person, use this referral form: DOWNLOAD FORM
Want to find out more? Click here
New Start
New Start offers specialist services for alcohol and drug support for young people experiencing difficulties with their own, or others, use of alcohol and drugs.
Use this referral form:
Want to find out more? Click here
Manu Ka Rere
Community Wellbeing North Canterbury are a provider of Manu Ka Rere, supporting youth mental health.
Manu Ka Rere offers support to 13-24 year olds through one on one sessions, group activities and support for families and whanau.
For more information check out
Kaiapoi Food Bank and Community Support
Our Food Bank offers food parcels and community support for anyone living in the Kaiapoi, Woodend or Pegasus area.
Kaiapoi Community Support is open Monday – Friday 10am-2.00pm at 24 Sewell St Kaiapoi by appointment only.
Food Bank
Anyone in Kaiapoi, Woodend or Pegasus area can visit our Kaiapoi Food Bank and request a food parcel.
You don’t need a referral, just call one of our friendly volunteers to pick up a parcel on 0800 88 34 88 or email
Volunteer Driver Service
If you can’t drive and need help to get to appointments locally, or in Christchurch, one of our volunteer drivers can take you in their vehicle.
Please book your trip at least 24 hours in advance by phoning 03 327 8945 between 10.00am – 2.00pm Monday to Friday. Please discuss any specific needs with our receptionist when booking your driver. For more information click here.
Budgeting Services North Canterbury
Free budgeting services for individuals, families and whānau in Waimakariri and the Hurunui. The service is available to anyone, whatever your situation. They can also advocate on your behalf with WINZ, Inland Revenue or Creditors.
Phone us on 03 327 8945 to book your confidential appointment.
Christmas Giving Programme
Thanks to your support we give out hundreds of Christmas presents every year to North Canterbury families in need.
Restorative Justice North Canterbury
Restorative justice gives victims an opportunity to talk with offenders and say how they have been affected by the offenders’ actions. Offenders must take responsibility for the harm caused.
Karanga Mai Early Learning Centre
Karanga Mai is a whānau-based learning community where supportive and respectful relationships empower everyone to belong, to believe, to discover, to grow.
Karanga Mai provides high-quality culturally responsive education and care for tamariki of both young parents attending Karanga Mai Young Parents College and community whānau.
Unsure who to contact?
If you’re not sure which service is right for you and your whānau, get in touch:
Rangiora office and general enquiries
Visit Us
200 King St
PO Box 409, Rangiora 7440
Kaiapoi Community Support and Kaiapoi Food Bank
0800 88 34 88
Visit Us
24 Sewell St, Kaiapoi
Karanga Mai Early Learning Centre
Visit Us
Robert Coup Rd, Kaiapoi