Karanga Mai

Empowering whānau and tamariki through education


Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini

I come not with my own strengths but bring with me the gifts, strengths and talents of my whānau, iwi and tīpuna.

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini

I come not with my own strengths but bring with me the gifts, strengths and talents of my whānau, iwi and tīpuna.

Nau mai, tauti mai

Karanga Mai Early Learning Centre provides high-quality culturally responsive education and care for tamariki of both young parents attending Karanga Mai Young Parents College and community whānau.

Karanga Mai is a whānau-based learning community where supportive and respectful relationships empower everyone to belong, to believe, to discover, to grow.

 We work in partnership with you and your whānau to ensure your tamariki recognise their talents, know they are important and feel a sense of belonging. And it’s important to us that you feel supported and valued as a parent too.

Karanga Mai Values Ngā Ūara

You’ll find these values at the
heart of everything we do:

Karanga Mai Values Ngā Ūara

You’ll find these values at the
heart of everything we do:


Engaging in positive and collaborative relationships with our tamariki, their whānau, our colleagues and the wider community.


Empowering all our learners to reach their highest potential by providing high quality teaching and leadership.


Guardianship, environmental stewardship and caring for the mauri of our environment.


Creating a welcoming, caring and creative learning environment that treats everyone with respect and dignity.

Tika, pono, aroha

Doing what is right with integrity and compassion.

About Karanga Mai

30 hours free

30 hours free, up to 6 hours per day, for all tamariki aged 0-6


Monday – Friday
8.30am – 3.30pm

Life and learning

Te Whāriki, the Early Childhood Curriculum, guides life and learning at Karanga Mai. Tamariki are seen as competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society. Tamariki learn in a language rich environment, experiencing daily te reo and te ao Māori.

Access for all

Karanga Mai provides transport, food, clothing and social services so that all tamariki have an equal opportunity to attend and fully participate. Karanga Mai is part of the KidsCan Programme, which includes daily morning tea and lunch, clothing and health products for our tamariki.


Whānau involvement

We welcome and encourage whānau involvement. Community outings and picnics, annual Marae visits and weekly community waiata are just some of the ways you and your whānau are invited to participate in our Karanga Mai community.

Karanga Mai Kaimahi

Papa panui

Term 3 2024

Education Review Office Reports
Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Education Review Office reports

Contact Details

Whakapā Mai



Visit us

Robert Coup Rd, Kaiapoi

After hours emergency contact:

Jacinta McInerney

Gillian Chappell